Everything you need to know

What is the best water for my BTL bulb?

Honestly any water is fine, tap or filtered. It will still grow beautifully & last just as long with just tap water. No special fertilizer is used, but hey you can experiment if your a plant lover!

How hard is it to keep my BTL bulb alive?

It is quite hard to kill a BTL bulb once it has grown some tiny roots. There's a small chance before it forms it's roots that it can die if it may be in a spot with direct sunlight or the water isn't covering the nodes which is how the roots grow. So stick to the care mode is best recommended.

How often do I need to refill my BTL bulb with water?

It may only need a little top up every so often if it gets a little thirsty, especially in summer. Otherwise if the water is looking a little merky, without removing the plant from the lid, tip the water out & refill with fresh water.

How do care for my BTL bulb?

BTL Bulbs are easy to care for. They like a warm, shady spot with no direct sunlight. Top up with water if needed. Watch it grow!

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